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Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, Second Edition - Concepts and Applications

Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, Second Edition

Computer graphics is a fascinating field that combines mathematics, physics, art, and programming to create realistic and interactive 3D scenes and animations. If you are interested in learning computer graphics, you may want to check out the book Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, Second Edition by Sumanta Guha.

Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, Second Edition

This book is a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics that uses an active learning style to teach key concepts. It covers topics such as geometric primitives, animation, 3D modeling, lighting, shading, texturing, curves, surfaces, transformations, and more. It also teaches you how to use the OpenGL Application Programming Interface (API) to code 3D scenes and animation, including games and movies.

What is OpenGL?

OpenGL is a cross-platform, low-level API for rendering 2D and 3D graphics. It is widely used in the industry and academia for developing applications such as video games, simulations, virtual reality, computer-aided design, and scientific visualization. OpenGL allows you to access the graphics hardware of your computer and control how pixels are drawn on the screen.

OpenGL is not a programming language, but a set of commands that you can use in your program to specify what you want to draw and how. You can use OpenGL with any programming language that supports it, such as C, C++, Java, Python, etc. However, you need to have some basic knowledge of linear algebra and geometry to understand how OpenGL works.

What are the benefits of learning computer graphics through OpenGL?

Learning computer graphics through OpenGL has several benefits:

  • You can learn the fundamental concepts of 3D computer graphics in a practical way.

  • You can see the results of your code immediately on the screen and experiment with different parameters and effects.

  • You can develop your own applications using OpenGL and showcase your creativity and skills.

  • You can prepare yourself for more advanced topics and techniques in computer graphics.

  • You can use OpenGL as a stepping stone to learn other graphics APIs such as DirectX, Vulkan, Metal, etc.

What are the features of Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, Second Edition?

The book has several features that make it an ideal choice for learning computer graphics through OpenGL:

  • It is written in a clear and engaging style that explains the theory and practice of computer graphics in an accessible way.

  • It provides an understanding not only of the principles of 3D computer graphics but also of the use of the OpenGL API to code 3D scenes and animation.

  • It includes over 100 programs and 150 experiments that illustrate the concepts and techniques discussed in the book. You can run these programs on various platforms using the source code provided on the book's website.

  • It covers both fixed-function pipeline and programmable pipeline approaches to OpenGL programming. It also introduces new features of OpenGL 4.3 such as shaders, vertex buffer objects, occlusion culling, texture matrices, multisampling, point sprites, pixel buffer objects, shadow mapping, etc.

  • It explores more advanced topics such as the structure of curves and surfaces and the application of projective spaces and transformations.

  • It includes an instructor's manual with solutions to 100 problems (for qualifying instructors only).

How can you get Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, Second Edition?

You can get Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, Second Edition from various sources such as:

  • The publisher's website:

  • The book's website:

  • Amazon:

  • O'Reilly Media:

  • Google Books:


If you are looking for a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics that uses an active learning style to teach key concepts and techniques using OpenGL, you should consider reading Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, Second Edition by Sumanta Guha. This book will help you master the fundamentals of 3D computer graphics and develop your own applications using OpenGL.

Who is the author of Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, Second Edition?

The author of Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, Second Edition is Sumanta Guha. He is a professor of computer science and engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur. He has over 30 years of teaching and research experience in computer graphics, image processing, artificial intelligence, and robotics. He has published several papers and books on these topics. He is also a recipient of the IBM Faculty Award and the Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowship.

What are the prerequisites for reading Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, Second Edition?

The book assumes that you have some basic knowledge of programming in C or C++. You do not need to have any prior experience with OpenGL or computer graphics. However, you need to have some familiarity with linear algebra and geometry, such as vectors, matrices, transformations, projections, etc. The book provides a review of these topics in the appendices. You also need to have access to a computer with OpenGL installed and a suitable IDE for compiling and running the programs.

What are some of the projects and exercises that you can do with Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, Second Edition?

The book provides over 100 programs and 150 experiments that you can use to learn and practice computer graphics through OpenGL. These programs and experiments cover various topics such as drawing geometric primitives, animating objects, modeling 3D scenes, applying lighting and shading effects, texturing surfaces, creating curves and surfaces, transforming objects, etc. You can modify these programs and experiments to create your own applications and explore different aspects of computer graphics. Some examples of the projects and exercises are:

  • Drawing a house with windows and doors using polygons.

  • Animating a bouncing ball using timers and callbacks.

  • Modeling a solar system with planets orbiting around the sun.

  • Applying Phong lighting model to a sphere with different material properties.

  • Texturing a cube with different images on each face.

  • Creating a Bezier curve using control points.

  • Transforming a teapot using translation, rotation, scaling, and shearing.

What are some of the applications of computer graphics through OpenGL?

Computer graphics through OpenGL has a wide range of applications in various domains such as:

  • Video games: OpenGL is one of the most popular APIs for developing interactive and immersive video games that require high-performance graphics and sound. Some examples of video games that use OpenGL are Doom 3, Half-Life 2, Minecraft, World of Warcraft, etc.

  • Simulations: OpenGL is also used for creating realistic and accurate simulations of physical phenomena, such as fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, weather, fire, smoke, etc. These simulations can be used for education, research, training, entertainment, etc.

  • Virtual reality: OpenGL is also a key component of virtual reality systems that create immersive and interactive 3D environments for the user. These systems can use head-mounted displays, motion trackers, haptic devices, etc. to provide a realistic and engaging experience. Some examples of virtual reality applications that use OpenGL are Google Earth VR, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, etc.

  • Computer-aided design: OpenGL is also used for creating and manipulating 3D models of objects and structures for various purposes such as engineering, architecture, industrial design, etc. These models can be rendered, animated, analyzed, modified, etc. using OpenGL.

  • Scientific visualization: OpenGL is also used for visualizing large and complex data sets from various fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, medicine, etc. These visualizations can help in understanding patterns, trends, relationships, etc. in the data and communicate them effectively.

What are some of the challenges and future directions of computer graphics through OpenGL?

Computer graphics through OpenGL is a dynamic and evolving field that faces several challenges and opportunities such as:

  • Realism: One of the main goals of computer graphics is to create realistic and believable images and animations that can fool the human eye and brain. This requires advanced techniques such as global illumination, ray tracing, subsurface scattering, etc. that are computationally expensive and challenging to implement using OpenGL.

  • Performance: Another goal of computer graphics is to achieve high performance and efficiency in rendering complex and large scenes and animations. This requires optimizing the use of the graphics hardware and software resources and balancing the trade-off between quality and speed.

  • Interactivity: Another goal of computer graphics is to provide interactivity and responsiveness to the user's actions and inputs. This requires handling events such as mouse clicks, keyboard strokes, gestures, voice commands, etc. and updating the scene accordingly using OpenGL.

  • Portability: Another goal of computer graphics is to make the applications portable and compatible across different platforms and devices such as desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc. This requires adapting the OpenGL code to different operating systems, hardware specifications, screen resolutions, etc.

  • Innovation: Another goal of computer graphics is to explore new possibilities and applications of 3D graphics and animation using OpenGL. This requires creativity, experimentation, collaboration, etc. among the developers and users of computer graphics.


Computer graphics through OpenGL is a fascinating and rewarding field that combines art and science to create realistic and interactive 3D scenes and animations. If you want to learn computer graphics through OpenGL, you should consider reading Computer Graphics Through OpenGL: From Theory to Experiments, Second Edition by Sumanta Guha. This book will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics that uses an active learning style to teach key concepts and techniques using OpenGL. You will also be able to develop your own applications using OpenGL and explore various domains and challenges of computer graphics. 4e3182286b


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