Hopper Disassembler 4.2.1
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Hopper Disassembler 4.2.1
Disassembly is the reverse of compilation. Compilers can do only the first half of this, leaving the second half to disassemblers. Disassemblers can do only the second half of this, leaving the first half to compilers. The reason compilers do the first half of this is that the compiler is faster than the disassembler. The reason disassemblers do the second half is that the disassembler is usually more useful than the compiler, and will easily produce more useful results. Being able to use both the compiler and the disassembler is important to be able to optimise code for a particular platform. (A recent example is the -Os flag in GCC).
Disassembly tools are often used to debug an application, or to determine what parts of the application are open to attack. Disassemblers are also useful for testing, as they make it easy to see what effect different parts of code have. Disassemblers are also useful for reverse engineering, as they make it easy to reconstruct what the code is doing. They are also useful when doing security audits or pen testing. This is especially true of disassemblers that work with the code as data, rather than code.
The decompiler has a rudimentary syntax checker, that checks for some basic coding errors. In addition, the decompiler will check the class structure and syntax of the code being decompiled, and will give the decompiled code a name for the most part. The decompiler does not try to recreate the variable names, and it uses a proprietary disassembler to reconstruct the instructions. It also generates object files, and can produce binary files for Linux, Windows, Mac OS, and other operating systems. There are several other decompilers available for different languages, but Hex-Rays is the best known, and has the longest track record of supporting different language, operating systems, and hardware configurations.
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