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Alonso Ignatiev

Textbook of Microbiology by Arora: A Comprehensive and User-Friendly Guide

Textbook of Microbiology by Arora: A Comprehensive and User-Friendly Guide

Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, and their interactions with humans, animals, plants, and the environment. Microbiology is a fascinating and diverse field that has applications in medicine, biotechnology, agriculture, ecology, and many other areas.

textbook of microbiology by arora pdf.rar

One of the most popular and widely used textbooks of microbiology is Textbook of Microbiology by D. R. Arora, Vasant Baradkar, and Brij Bala Arora. This book has been published by CBS Publishers since 2006 and has gone through six editions so far. The latest edition was released in 2020 and has been thoroughly revised and updated with new topics and subtopics.

The book covers all the basic and advanced aspects of microbiology in a simple and lucid manner. It is divided into 11 sections and 67 chapters that cover topics such as general microbiology, immunology, bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology, applied microbiology, diagnostic microbiology, clinical microbiology, hospital infection control, and overview of microbiology. Each chapter gives at the end key facts, essay type and short answer type questions, and multiple choice questions that help the students to revise and assess their knowledge.

The book is also richly illustrated with coloured and computer-drawn figures, clinical photographs, and photomicrographs that enhance the understanding of the biology of microorganisms. The book also includes a glossary of important terms and an index for easy reference.

Textbook of Microbiology by Arora is a user-friendly and easy to understand textbook that will be highly useful to MBBS, BDS, MSc and MD (microbiology) students. It is also a valuable resource for teachers, researchers, and practitioners of microbiology and related fields.

In this article, we will review some of the main features and contents of Textbook of Microbiology by Arora and highlight its strengths and advantages.

Features and Contents of Textbook of Microbiology by Arora

The book has a total of 624 pages and is divided into 11 sections and 67 chapters. The sections are as follows:

  • General Microbiology: This section covers the history, scope, and branches of microbiology, the structure and function of microbial cells, the classification and nomenclature of microorganisms, the microbial growth and nutrition, the microbial metabolism and genetics, the microbial diversity and evolution, and the microbial ecology and biogeochemical cycles.

  • Immunology: This section covers the basic concepts and components of immunity, the innate and adaptive immune responses, the antigen-antibody reactions, the complement system, the cytokines and chemokines, the hypersensitivity reactions, the autoimmunity and immunodeficiency disorders, the transplantation immunology, the tumor immunology, and the immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy.

Bacteriology: This section covers the general properties and classification of bacteria, the structure and function of bacterial cell wall, the bacterial cell membrane and cytoplasmic structures, the bacterial spores and capsules, the bacterial flagella and pili, the bacterial plasmids and transposons, the bacterial pathogenicity and virulence factors, the bacterial toxins and enzymes, the bacterial genetics and gene regulation, the bacterial genetic recombination and transformation, the bacterial transduction and conjugation, the bacterial mutation and repair mechanisms, the bacterial genome sequencing and bioinformatics, the bacterial taxonomy and identification methods, the cultivation and isolation of bacteria, the staining techniques for bacteria, the biochemical tests for bacteria identification, the serological tests for bacteria identification, the molecular tests for bacteria identification, the antimicrobial susceptibility testing for bacteria, the general characteristics and pathogenesis of gram-positive cocci (staphylococci,


enterococci), gram-negative cocci (neisseriae,

moraxellae), gram-positive bacilli (bacillus,




mycobacterium), gram-negative bacilli (enterobacteriaceae,












pasteurella), spirochetes (treponema,


leptospira), rickettsiae (rickettsia,




chlamydiae (chlamydia,

chlamydophila), mycoplasmas (mycoplasma,

ureaplasma), actinomycetes (actinomyces,

nocardia), legionellae (legionella), bartonellae (bartonella), coxiellae (coxiella), zoonotic bacteria (anthrax,




and sexually transmitted bacteria (syphilis,


  • chancroid).

Virology: This section covers the general properties and classification of viruses, the structure and composition of viral particles, the viral genome organization and replication strategies, the viral pathogenicity and virulence factors, the viral genetics and evolution, the viral taxonomy and identification methods, the cultivation and isolation of viruses e0e6b7cb5c


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